Coffee, cake and creativity

On Saturday 30th of January I ran a "Drop In" workshop ,where people could drop in and make a heart from glass for Valentines day. I did publicise this more than usual but I am always a bit wary of publicising it too much cause the fear is too many people will turn up and I will have to turn some away which I would hate.
In all, I had 24 people come through the doors and all were accommodated even though a couple of groups had to wait about 40 mins, but they seemed happy enough having a walk down to the Running  Fox to buy cake and bread or getting a coffee in the Gallery.

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It was a good day. I get a real buzz from running days like this. I get the coffee on and cake to eat and as people arrive they settle into playing with the materials on the table. There is alot of laughter, and  alot of chat.  The coming together to play and create is something we just don't give to ourselves enough. As I have said many times before, you don't have to be creative you just have to be open to playing. Mothers and daughters come and friends come . Funny, but no men came, I will have to work on that one. Was it because it was hearts we were making or is it that women's love of socialising and creating come together in aworkshop?  Who knows!

The next "Drop In" is on the  27th of February. Think I will extend the times and ask people to book if they definitely want a space or they can just chance it and come along. This time we are making hanging glass fish, which I sell an awful lot of at the Alnmouth Arts Festival. OOps! Just learnt I cannot extend the times, there could be a noise issue in the afternoon so the drop in will only run between 10 and 2 pm.

Helen Grierson2 Comments